Register as a Coach or Volunteer

Our coaches and volunteers must complete training and certification courses prior to taking the field.

Registration Links

Registering as a Coach or Volunteer

For the safety of both our players and our volunteers, US Soccer requires volunteers to (1) obtain a SafeSport and safety certification course through US Soccer, (2) complete a background check with Washington Youth Soccer, and (3) register with Shorelake Soccer.

The process has several steps so please review the information below carefully.

  • There are two training courses that must be completed through the US Learning Center. To complete your courses:

    1. Navigate to the US Soccer Learning Center. Log in or create an account if you have not already done so. Your account email and name must exactly match your Washington Youth Soccer account (otherwise, the certifificates will not transfer).

    2. Hover over "Courses" across the top of the page, then select "My Courses". You should have the appropriate SafeSport course listed as well as the learning center’s ‘Intro to Safety’.

    3. Select either course to get started.

    4. Select ‘Assignments’ on the top left side of the page to open the course.

    5. You must complete both courses. You do not need to download your certificates.

    SafeSport Note: SafeSport courses are presented in a three-course cycle that starts the first year that you register. The appropriate SafeSport course will only be listed there if more than 10 months have passed since your last renewal. You will need to complete the next course once it is available to you.

  • Once you complete the training and certification courses with US Soccer, you must complete a background check with Washington Youth Soccer.

    1. Contact your club registrar once completed. They will ensure that the course completion status for both courses have synced to your Affinity profile.

    2. Once your registrar verifies your status, you can submit your background check through Washington Youth Soccer Affinity Online Registration. Be sure to select season Spring 2022, and list Seattle Youth Soccer Association as your organization.

  • You’re almost there! The last step is to register with Shorelake so that we can assign you to your team. To do so:

    1. Log in to Shorelake Soccer Registration.

    2. Select Register Team Staff / Volunteer

    3. Complete the following sections.

If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact us.