Fee Information
Additional information regarding fees and payment is below. Our mission is to encourage participation by everyone. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Current Fees
Current fees are listed on the Player Registration page.
Additional Fee Information
A few notes regarding payments:
Payment is accepted online by credit and debit card. You will be charged immediately after registration.
A $2 registration fee is included in the above listed fees. This fee is charged to the club by our registration site and is non-refundable.
Scholarships and Financial Aid
It is the policy of Shorelake Soccer Club that all young people should have an opportunity to play soccer regardless of their ability to pay.
Each year, the club grants a number of full and partial scholarships to families. Some of the reasons that the club may consider for granting a scholarship are as follows:
The player is eligible for free or reduced school lunches.
The family receives Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) for the player.
The player is the subject of a child support order and the payer in default on his/her child support payments.
One or more of the player’s parents a full time student or unemployed.
There are other special circumstances (please provide an explanation on the form, redacted version subject to review by the BOD).
If any of these options apply and you would like to apply for a scholarship, please complete one Scholarship Form for each player you are requesting a scholarship for, and send via email to info@shorelake.org. After receiving the form, we will contact you regarding your scholarship status.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
Refunds are issued in accordance with the club’s refund policy and must be submitted before the end of August. Refund requests received after August 31 will not be honored under any circumstances.