Age and Gender Information

Rules regarding player groupings are set by US Soccer.

Age Chart

Youth soccer age groups are based on birthdays falling on or after August 1 each year. Players who are at least 4 years old and no older than 18 on July 31 are eligible to play.

The appropriate age group for a player can be found by looking up their birth month and year here Age Group Calculator — Seattle Youth Soccer Association (SYSA)

The “U” coding refers to a player being “under” that age. U-7, for example, is Under 7 (any players 6-years and under).

Age Verification

Documents to verify age are required during the online registration process for new players. Copies of any of the following documents are acceptable to verify age:

  • Birth Certificate

  • Passport

  • Birth Registration

  • Board of Health Record

  • Alien Registration Card

  • Immigration Certificate

Only the player’s name, date of birth, and information identifying the verifying document is needed. All other information should be redacted.

Playing Up (with older players)

Players are encouraged to play with others in their own age range. However, if parents have compelling reasons why their child would not be served in their soccer development at a team in their age range, they should register the player at their current age level and include a request to play up in the comment box. They should also email the appropriate Registration Coordinator with the request.

The Registration Coordinator will typically take two primary criteria into consideration:

  • August birthdays. Players with an August birthday may move up to play with their grade level.

  • Coach Recommendation. Players whose current coach recommends that they play up due to skill level or other reasons.

Requests to play up depend on availability and may not be granted in all cases. Shorelake Soccer Club reserves the right to move players between age groups as necessary to field teams in as many age brackets as possible.

Please email the appropriate Registration Coordinator regarding your registration and they will help guide you through the process.

Playing Down (with younger players)

Players can only play down a year for medical conditions. These request are reviewed and decided upon by the Seattle Youth Soccer Association (SYSA) Board of Commissioners. Requests to play down must include:

  • a letter from the player’s parents

  • a supporting letter from Shorelake Soccer Club

  • a letter from the player’s doctor

Please email the appropriate Registration Coordinator regarding your registration and they will help guide you through the process.

Gender-Based Teams

Players are registered to gender-based teams for ages U7 and up. We follow the inclusion policy as set out by US Soccer. Accordingly, a player may register with the gender team with which the player identifies.

Documentation or evidence that shows the stated gender is sincerely held, and part of a person’s core identity must be provided. Documentation may include, but is not limited to, government-issued documentation or documentation prepared by a healthcare provider, counselor, or other qualified professional not related to the player.

Please email the appropriate Registration Coordinator regarding your registration and they will help guide you through the process.